Internal Usage Example One: TuiReporter
provides a built-in TUI reporter TuiReporter
for displaying the progress of download tasks in the terminal. TuiReporter
implements two traits, ProgressReporter
and ResultReporter
, to report the progress and results of download tasks to the outside world.
uses the indicatif
library to display the progress of download tasks. When a download task starts, TuiReporter
creates a new progress bar and updates the status of the progress bar when the download task ends. TuiReporter
also reports the result of the download task to the outside world when the download task ends.
#![allow(unused)] fn main() { use crate::error::Result; use crate::base::structs::DownloadProgress; use crate::base::enums::{DownloadResult, OperationType}; use crate::base::traits::{ProgressReporter, ResultReporter}; use async_trait::async_trait; #[cfg(feature = "tui")] use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle,ProgressDrawTarget,MultiProgress}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::sync::Mutex; const MAX_CONCURRENT_BARS: usize = 10 ; // TUI 实现 #[cfg(feature = "tui")] #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TuiReporter { mp: MultiProgress, bars: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<u32, ProgressBar>>>, } impl TuiReporter { pub fn new() -> Self { let mp = Self::setup_global_progress(); Self { mp, bars: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())), } } fn setup_global_progress() -> MultiProgress { let mp = MultiProgress::new(); mp.set_draw_target(ProgressDrawTarget::stdout()); mp } // 私有方法用于获取或创建进度条 async fn get_or_create_bar(&self, task_id: u32, total: u64) -> ProgressBar { let mut bars = self.bars.lock().await; if bars.len() >= MAX_CONCURRENT_BARS { bars.retain(|_, bar| !bar.is_finished()); } bars.entry(task_id) .or_insert_with(|| { let bar = ProgressBar::new(total); // 关键修改:将进度条添加到 MultiProgress 系统 let bar =; // 这行是核心修改 bar.set_style(ProgressStyle::with_template(&format!( "{{}} [{{bar:.cyan/blue}}] {{bytes}}/{{total_bytes}} ({}) {{msg}}", task_id )) .unwrap_or(ProgressStyle::default_bar()) .progress_chars("#>-")); bar }); bars.get(&task_id).unwrap_or(&ProgressBar::hidden()).clone() } } #[async_trait] impl ProgressReporter for TuiReporter { async fn start_task(&self, task_id: u32, total: u64) -> Result<()> { let bar = self.get_or_create_bar(task_id, total).await; bar.set_message("Downloading..."); Ok(()) } async fn update_progress(&self, task_id: u32, progress: &DownloadProgress) -> Result<()> { let bar = self.get_or_create_bar(task_id, progress.total_bytes).await; bar.set_position(progress.bytes_downloaded); let speed = if progress.rate > 1_000_000.0 { format!("{:.2} MB/s", progress.rate / 1_000_000.0) } else if progress.rate > 1_000.0 { format!("{:.2} KB/s", progress.rate / 1_000.0) } else { format!("{:.0} B/s", progress.rate) }; // 格式化剩余时间 let eta = if progress.remaining_time.as_secs() > 60 { format!("{}m {}s", progress.remaining_time.as_secs() / 60, progress.remaining_time.as_secs() % 60) } else { format!("{}s", progress.remaining_time.as_secs()) }; bar.set_message(format!("Speed: {} | ETA: {}", speed,eta)); Ok(()) } async fn finish_task(&self, task_id: u32,result: DownloadResult) -> Result<()> { let mut bars = self.bars.lock().await; if let Some(bar) = bars.remove(&task_id) { match result { DownloadResult::Success { path ,duration ,.. } => { // 条的颜色变成绿色,还是#>- bar.set_style(ProgressStyle::with_template(&format!( "{{}} [{{}}] {{bytes}}/{{total_bytes}} ({}): {{msg}}", task_id ))?.progress_chars("#>-")); let success_message = format!("✅ Done in {}s, saved to {}",duration.as_secs(),path.display()); bar.finish_with_message(success_message) }, DownloadResult::Failed { error,.. } => { // 条变成红色 bar.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar().template(&format!( "{{}} [{{}}] {{bytes}}/{{total_bytes}} ({}): {{msg}}", task_id ))?.progress_chars("#>-")); let error_message = format!("❌ Error: {}", error); bar.abandon_with_message(error_message) }, DownloadResult::Canceled => { // 条变成黄色 bar.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar().template(&format!( "{{}} [{{bar:.yellow/blue}}] {{bytes}}/{{total_bytes}} ({}): {{msg}}", task_id ))?.progress_chars("#>-")); bar.abandon_with_message("⛔ Canceled") }, } } Ok(()) } } #[async_trait] impl ResultReporter for TuiReporter { async fn operation_result(&self, operation: OperationType, code: u32, message: String) -> Result<()> { if code == 200 { println!("{}: {}", operation, message); } else { eprintln!("{}: {}", operation, message); } Ok(()) } } }