use gxci::hal::device::*; use gxci::hal::base::*; use gxci::utils::debug::print_device_info; use gxci::utils::extract::{extract_callback_img_buf,extract_frame_callback_param}; use gxci::raw::gx_struct::GX_FRAME_CALLBACK_PARAM; use gxci::raw::gx_interface::Result; use gxci::opencv::{core, highgui}; extern "C" fn frame_callback(p_frame_callback_data: *mut GX_FRAME_CALLBACK_PARAM) { let frame_callback_data = extract_frame_callback_param(p_frame_callback_data); let data = extract_callback_img_buf(frame_callback_data); let mat = core::Mat::new_rows_cols_with_data( frame_callback_data.nHeight, frame_callback_data.nWidth, data ).unwrap(); highgui::imshow("Camera Frame", &mat).unwrap(); if highgui::wait_key(10).unwrap() > 0 { highgui::destroy_window("Camera Frame").unwrap(); } } fn main()->Result<()> { gxci_init_default()?; let device_num = gxi_count_devices( 1000)?; println!("Device number: {}", device_num); let base_info = gxi_list_devices()?; for device in &base_info { print_device_info(&device); } gxi_open_device()?; gxi_use_stream(frame_callback)?; gxi_close_device()?; gxci_close()?; Ok(()) }
- 最闪亮的函数当属
,这个函数的参数是一个类型为pub type GXCaptureCallBack = extern "C" fn(pFrameData: *mut GX_FRAME_CALLBACK_PARAM);
两个函数来帮助你提取回调函数中的图像数据。 - 这里的
use std::mem::size_of; use std::slice; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; use opencv::{ highgui, core, }; use gxci::{ raw::{ gx_interface::*, gx_enum::*, gx_struct::*, gx_handle::*, }, utils::{ debug::print_device_info, builder::GXDeviceBaseInfoBuilder, }, }; extern "C" fn frame_callback(p_frame_callback_data: *mut GX_FRAME_CALLBACK_PARAM) { // 避免刷屏 // println!("Frame callback triggered."); // println!("Frame status: {:?}", unsafe { (*p_frame_callback_data).status }); // println!("Frame All: {:?}", unsafe { *p_frame_callback_data }); unsafe { let frame_callback_data = &*p_frame_callback_data; if frame_callback_data.status == 0 { let data = slice::from_raw_parts(frame_callback_data.pImgBuf as *const u8, (frame_callback_data.nWidth * frame_callback_data.nHeight) as usize); let mat = core::Mat::new_rows_cols_with_data( frame_callback_data.nHeight, frame_callback_data.nWidth, // core::CV_8UC1, data ).unwrap(); highgui::imshow("Camera Frame", &mat).unwrap(); if highgui::wait_key(10).unwrap() > 0 { highgui::destroy_window("Camera Frame").unwrap(); } } } } fn main()->Result<()> { // You can change the library path as you need let gx = GXInstance::new("C:\\Program Files\\Daheng Imaging\\GalaxySDK\\APIDll\\Win64\\GxIAPI.dll").expect("Failed to load library"); gx.gx_init_lib().expect("Failed to initialize library"); // Update the device list let mut device_num = 0; gx.gx_update_device_list(&mut device_num, 1000) .expect("Failed to update device list"); if device_num > 0 { let mut base_info: Vec<GX_DEVICE_BASE_INFO> = (0..device_num).map(|_| { GXDeviceBaseInfoBuilder::new().build() }).collect(); let mut size = (device_num as usize) * size_of::<GX_DEVICE_BASE_INFO>(); let status = gx .gx_get_all_device_base_info(base_info.as_mut_ptr(), &mut size) .expect("Failed to get all device base info"); if status == 0 { // Assuming 0 is GX_STATUS_SUCCESS println!( "Device base info retrieved successfully. Number of devices: {}", device_num ); for device in &base_info { print_device_info(&device); } // Attempt to open the first device using its SN let first_device_sn = std::str::from_utf8(&base_info[0].szSN).unwrap_or(""); let mut device_handle: GX_DEV_HANDLE = std::ptr::null_mut(); let open_status = gx .gx_open_device_by_index(1, &mut device_handle) .expect("Failed to open device with index"); if open_status == 0 { println!( "Successfully opened device index 1 with SN: {}", first_device_sn.trim_end_matches(char::from(0)) ); gx.gx_set_float(device_handle, GX_FEATURE_ID::GX_FLOAT_GAIN, 20.0)?; let reg_result = gx.gx_register_capture_callback(device_handle, frame_callback); match reg_result { Ok(_) => println!("Capture callback registered successfully."), Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to register capture callback: {:?}", e), } gx.gx_send_command(device_handle, GX_FEATURE_ID::GX_COMMAND_ACQUISITION_START) .expect("Failed to send command"); highgui::named_window("Camera", highgui::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE).unwrap(); loop { sleep(Duration::from_secs(60)); break; } gx.gx_send_command(device_handle, GX_FEATURE_ID::GX_COMMAND_ACQUISITION_STOP) .expect("Failed to send command"); let unregeister_result = gx.gx_unregister_capture_callback(device_handle); match unregeister_result { Ok(_) => println!("Capture callback unregistered successfully."), Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to unregister capture callback: {:?}", e), } // Close the device gx.gx_close_device(device_handle) .expect("Failed to close device"); println!("Device closed.") } else { println!( "Failed to open device with SN: {}", first_device_sn.trim_end_matches(char::from(0)) ); } } else { println!("Failed to retrieve device base info, status: {}", status); } } else { println!("No Devices found."); } gx.gx_close_lib().expect("Failed to close library"); println!("Library closed."); Ok(()) }
- 谨慎使用吧,平常开发用hal还是更舒服一些(主要还是懒得写文档了)