GxIAPI.dll method implementation status
- 302 0 0001C020 GXCloseDevice
- 101 1 0001BBC0 GXCloseLib
- 700 2 0001E9E0 GXExportConfigFile
- 707 3 0001EA50 GXExportConfigFileW ?This function is not mentioned in the development document
- 602 4 0001E920 GXFlushEvent
- 505 5 0001E6E0 GXFlushQueue
- 201 6 0001BDE0 GXGetAllDeviceBaseInfo
- 414 7 0001D5F0 GXGetBool
- 419 8 0001E080 GXGetBuffer
- 418 9 0001DF50 GXGetBufferLength
- 205 A 0001BE80 GXGetDeviceIPInfo
- 423 B 0001C0B0 GXGetDevicePersistentIpAddress
- 411 C 0001D3C0 GXGetEnum
- 410 D 0001CF50 GXGetEnumDescription
- 409 E 0001CE20 GXGetEnumEntryNums
- 506 F 0001E970 GXGetEventNumInQueue
- 422 10 0001C1E0 GXGetFeatureName
- 408 11 0001CCF0 GXGetFloat
- 406 12 0001C960 GXGetFloatRange
- 504 13 0001E670 GXGetImage
- 404 14 0001C730 GXGetInt
- 403 15 0001C590 GXGetIntRange
- 204 16 0001BC40 GXGetLastError
- 709 17 0001F370 GXGetOptimalPacketSize (Windows Only)
- 416 18 0001DAA0 GXGetString
- 415 19 0001D820 GXGetStringLength
- 425 1A 0001D970 GXGetStringMaxLength
- 705 1B 0001EEF0 GXGigEForceIp
- 704 1C 0001ECC0 GXGigEIpConfiguration
- 706 1D 0001F170 GXGigEResetDevice
- 701 1E 0001EAC0 GXImportConfigFile
- 708 1F 0001EB40 GXImportConfigFileW ?This function is not mentioned in the development document
- 100 20 0001BB70 GXInitLib
- 400 21 0001C260 GXIsImplemented
- 401 22 0001C370 GXIsReadable
- 402 23 0001C480 GXIsWritable
- 301 24 0001BFB0 GXOpenDevice
- 300 25 0001BF10 GXOpenDeviceByIndex
- 702 26 0001EBC0 GXReadRemoteDevicePort
- 710 27 0001F3E0 GXReadRemoteDevicePortStacked
- 500 28 0001E5B0 GXRegisterCaptureCallback
- 600 29 0001E730 GXRegisterDeviceOfflineCallback
- 603 2A 0001E820 GXRegisterFeatureCallback
- 421 2B 0001E480 GXSendCommand
- 507 2C 0001F100 GXSetAcqusitionBufferNumber
- 413 2D 0001D720 GXSetBool
- 420 2E 0001E350 GXSetBuffer
- 424 2F 0001C160 GXSetDevicePersistentIpAddress
- 412 30 0001D4F0 GXSetEnum
- 407 31 0001CBE0 GXSetFloat
- 405 32 0001C860 GXSetInt
- 417 33 0001DDC0 GXSetString
- 501 34 0001E620 GXUnregisterCaptureCallback
- 601 35 0001E7B0 GXUnregisterDeviceOfflineCallback
- 604 36 0001E8B0 GXUnregisterFeatureCallback
- 206 37 0001BD70 GXUpdateAllDeviceList
- 200 38 0001BD00 GXUpdateDeviceList
- 703 39 0001EC40 GXWriteRemoteDevicePort
- 711 3A 0001F450 GXWriteRemoteDevicePortStacked (Windows Only)
HAL module function implementation status
- base
- gxi_check()
- gxci_init()
- gxci_init_default()
- gxci_close()
- device
- gxi_count_devices()
- gxi_list_devices()
- gxi_open_device() // solo feature
- gxi_close_device() // solo feature
- gxi_check_device_handle() // solo feature
- gxi_send_command() // solo feature
- gxi_get_image() // solo feature
- gxi_open_stream() // solo feature
- gxi_open_stream_interval() // solo feature
- gxi_close_stream() // solo feature
- check
- check_status()
- check_status_with_ok_fn()
- check_gx_status()
- check_gx_status_with_ok_fn()
- config
- Here are the HAL functions
- gxi_get_feature_value()
- gxi_set_feature_value()
- Following are the raw-wapper functions
- gxi_get_feature_name()
- gxi_get_int_range()
- gxi_get_int()
- gxi_set_int()
- gxi_get_float_range()
- gxi_get_float()
- gxi_set_float()
- gxi_get_enum_entry_nums()
- gxi_get_enum_description()
- gxi_get_enum()
- gxi_set_enum()
- gxi_get_bool()
- gxi_set_bool()
- gxi_get_string_length()
- gxi_get_string_max_length()
- gxi_get_string()
- gxi_set_string()
- gxi_get_buffer_length()
- gxi_get_buffer()
- gxi_set_buffer()
- control (Here only the number of functions is listed, the list is too long, so please refer to the ControlList markdown)
- device 17
- image_format 27+
- acquisition 46+
- digital_io 0 (But MISSING this module's FEATURE_ID)
- analog 40+
- transport_layer 1
- user_set 10
- chunk_data 8
- event
- todo!()
- network
- todo!()